Sunday, July 27, 2008

Entry 18: Reflections of Biology Journal

Althought this will be my last post on this blog for my Biology Journal Blog Project, I am not exactly feeling very happy that I do not have to update the blog anymore as have found it a very pleasant learning experience. Initially, when I was told by my Chemistry teacher, Ms Qiu to do 3 entries per week on two topics on this blog over a period of six weeks, I felt apprehensive and was not willing to spend my internet time on Biology. Well, it was my first research post that made me change my mind. I had discovered it was quite fun after all, searching all over the internet for relevant information, and compiling them together like book. I had copied plenty of the information from several websites and hope the owners would not mind as I have left the URL's of sites which I have copied the information from. I think that's about all I have to say, and my conclusion is that this Biology Journal has really helped me in understanding Digestion,Ecology and Nutrient Cycles, with the aid of the many Biology sites I have visited.

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