Sunday, July 27, 2008

Entry 12:Environmental Protection 1

Today's topic shall be on Environmental protection, and how you can do your part in saving the earth. Environmental protection or going green, is actually easier than you think. There a a few things you can do which can help to make a less harmful impact on the environment. Help to save the Earth by reusing, recycling and reducing. In this post I shall only be touching on reducing usage of cars and savng electricity, as it's fairly long alone. Firstly, when you reduce your usage of cars, you save money and the planet. You can stop using the car for short journeys and switch to public transportation instead. If you just stay off the road twice weekly, you'll reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 1590 pounds per year. Alternatively, you can walk or cycle for short distances. It not only saves money spent on fuel, you burn calories and improve your health too! Also, to save electricity, which in turn saves the earth, you should use compact fluorescent which only use 1/4 the amount of electricity and incandescent one uses while generating the same amount of light. In my next post I'll be giving you more helpful tips on reusing and recycling, so do continue reading!

Information obtained from:

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