Saturday, July 26, 2008

Entry 10:Consequences of Global Warming

I'll be touching on the consequences of global warming now that you understand what it's about. You may be thinking right now, "I know what is global warming but I do not have to care about it since it does not affect me." Well, I am sorry, but you are most definitely wrong. Yes, it is not affecting you now, but the condition is worsening, and it could harm our planet in the next few years to come. With more air pollution, more and more people could contract respiratory dieseases worldwide, which can severely impact our breathing! For example, bronchitis could affect our respiratory system, and though rare among us today, it could possibly be a common illness in future.
With air pollution, we can expect more babies to be bron with chronic asthma. This illness has no cure and we would have to carry inhalers everywhere we go, and if you happen to forget to use it, you would experience shortness of breath. The worse case scenario would be that Earth would be too unhealthy to be inhabitable. To add to the large percentage of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, loggers continue to destroy nature's precious habitat- the forests. I fthis goes on, we would not have enough trees to provide oxygen for us all. Burning the trees releases toxic fumes that are unhealthy for mankind too. These are some causes of pollution which are highly likely to occur in future, and poses a great threat to the survival of mankind.
Now that you know the causes of air pollution, I would touch on the sources of pollution and how we can reduce greenhouse gas emission and how to play our part in saving the earth! In my next post of course, so read on.

Information obtained from:
1) Sec 2 "Project Work 2008"(Group Powerpoint slides)

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